Discover our current projects

Support for children of prisoners

The children of prisoners are often the collateral victims of their parent's imprisonment. In Nepal, no assistance is provided to the families of prisoners, who often lose their main source of income once the person has been imprisoned. As the detainee is no longer able to provide for his or her family, extreme poverty threatens, and children are often forced to drop out of school. Their basic needs are also largely unsatisfied, particularly in terms of medical care and decent living conditions.

Rehabilitation through vocational workshops in prisons

Togo's prisons are notorious for their deplorable detention conditions. The average occupancy rate exceeds 165%. This prison overcrowding is largely due to the absence of a genuine reintegration policy, and therefore to a high rate of recidivism. Since 2010, our local partner "La Fraternité des Prisons du Togo" has been running training workshops in Togolese prisons. We joined them in 2016 to develop these activities.

« Onésime » center: rehabilitation for young people in conflict with the law

In Côte d'Ivoire, 80% of the measures applied to minors in conflict with the law are custodial sentences - in other words, prison. However, with no real rehabilitation measures in place, these young people return to delinquency most of the time once out of prison. To make up for the lack of rehabilitation structures, the Onésime center saw the light of day in the spring of 2018 in the small village of Taboitien, around a hundred kilometers from Abidjan.

Sustainable development goals to which our projects contribute

Of the 17 United Nations Millennium Development Goals, our projects contribute to 9 of them.

No poverty
Zero hunger
Good health and well-being
Quality education
Gender equality
Decent work and economic growth
Reduced inequalities
Responsible consumption and production
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Breaking the cycle of crime

« As my husband, who was responsible for our income, is in prison, responsibility has been transferred to me as second head of the family. It was very difficult for me to meet my children’s daily needs and give them an education. I’ve always been very worried that my children won’t be able to get an education, that they’ll be vulnerable in the future and that they’ll commit crimes. But since I’ve received help with school fees and supplies, it’s helping me to give my children an education and secure their future, which will help me break the cycle of crime. »

Inmate’s wife, Nepal