Our approach

We work on a global approach at two levels

Within the prison and beyond

With actions targeting prisoners and ex-prisoners, as well as children in conflict with the law

Out of prison

With activities that reach out to families, children, victims and communities.

With our local partners

National Prison Fraternities, and occasionally other local NGOs.

We prefer a bottom-up approach. In other words, local needs and initiatives are the starting point for projects. The model is therefore designed to be participatory and to empower local partners.

Our vision is the same when it comes to beneficiaries, because their involvement and empowerment are at the heart of our projects.

Our role is not only to collaborate and exchange ideas, but also to strengthen and provide technical and financial support to our local partners. Projects are therefore co-constructed, and their quality is assessed according to the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact.

Find out more about our actions

Professional reinsertion

Training and apprenticeship, follow-up and post-detention support through job search or material support to start an income-generating activity (IGA).

Family reunification and support

Family tracing and reunification, family visits and mediation, support for children (schooling, nutrition, health, etc.) and for women in prison (empowerment through training, for example).

Improved living and prison conditions

Distribution of food kits to prisoners, setting up prison pharmacies, etc.

Project sustainability and autonomy

Income-generating activities, implementation of communication strategies and mobilization of local funds, and promotion of local partnerships.